Difference between the CVD diamond and natural diamond

Nowadays, people are very much fond of diamonds, and maybe that’s why the craze of diamond jewerly is so high. Diamonds are popular among both men and women because they may give a person a sophisticated appearance. They may catch the light and dazzle, as well as display a variety of colours. The brilliance and shine of a diamond are rejuvenated and liberated in a way that many ladies appreciate when it is cleaned and polished. When diamond jewellery is regularly cleaned and properly stored, no other jewellery lasts as long. Diamonds retain their intrinsic luminosity and brilliance for many years.

CVD diamond

However, if you are planning to buy your first diamond, but getting confused about which one to go for CVD diamonds or natural diamonds? Well, this blog is here to tell you the differences between the two of them. So follow this article to know more about differences. 

CVD diamonds are also known as lab diamonds, they are practically made by using two different methods, one is high pressure high temperature and another one is chemical vapor deposition. CVD diamonds are created in a laboratory setting using a process called Chemical Vapor Deposition. This involves the growth of diamond crystals from a carbon-rich gas mixture. The best thing about these diamonds is they are cost-effective. CVD diamonds are typically more affordable because they can be produced in a controlled laboratory environment.

Meanwhile, natural diamonds are formed deep within the Earth's mantle over billions of years under high pressure and temperature conditions. They are then carried to the surface by volcanic explosions. Natural diamonds often contain impurities and inclusions, which can affect their clarity and color. These imperfections are a result of their natural formation process.  Natural diamonds are generally more expensive due to their rarity and the cost associated with mining and processing.

The main differences between CVD diamonds and natural diamonds are their origin, purity, cost, customizability, and environmental impact, which make each type more suitable for specific purposes and industries. Well, there are many various types of differences you will find between natural diamonds and lab diamonds, and it is totally up to you which you want to hold on to. 


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